We strongly believe that Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) and passive asset class investing is the best way for us to develop prudent, long-term portfolios for our clients.
Structured Investment Philosophy
We offer a structured investment approach that integrates academic research and the experience of leading institutional managers.
Unique Implementation of Modern Portfolio Theory
We believe in Modern Portfolio Theory and have access to high-quality institutional investment firms with a unique implementation of this theory into an entire diversified family of mutual funds. Each fund captures the return behavior of an entire asset class, letting us accurately diversify client’s investments across multiple assets classes-precisely incorporating the level of risk with which each investor is comfortable. Asset class investing is a systematic, global allocation of your portfolio.
Passive Asset Class Management Approach
As you familiarize yourself with us, you will quickly notice our strong focus on implementing this passive asset class management approach as the best investment strategy. Other advantages of this approach include:
Lower Costs – Passive asset class funds traditionally have lower operating expenses and transaction costs (and thus higher expected returns) than do comparable actively managed funds;
Lower portfolio turnover – Our turnover is roughly 12%, while the industry average is almost 70%;
Greater tax efficiency – Passive asset class funds have relatively low turnover, so less of your annual return is consumed by taxes;
Broad diversification/risk reduction – Our typical portfolio may include over 14,000 stocks, while the industry average is around 2,000 stocks;
Long-term perspective – No HOT money, which is money that moves in and out of investments frequently. We manage wealth with a long-term perspective in mind.
Control of asset allocation – Concentrating on staying diversified captures 94% of the results;
Passive asset class funds – Capture separate dimensions of worldwide returns;
Academic research – Points to the importance of asset class selection, not market timing or security selection.
Importance of Passive Asset Class Investment Approach (Being Broadly Diversified)
We are strong advocates of the passive asset class investment approach. We are convinced that a passive investment approach, which emphasizes broad diversification and market returns in a controlled risk, low cost, tax efficient environment is the right answer for individuals as well as institutional investors.